Implant Uncovery

When an implant is placed under the gums, a second appointment is necessary.  This is referred to as second stage surgery, or implant uncovery, since we are opening the gums to find the implant.  When the implant is located, a small cover screw, which was used to protect the internal threads of the implant, is removed and replaced by a healing abutment.  Sutures are often placed to keep the edges of the gums from moving as they heal around the healing abutment.

The healing abutment varies in height, but its main purpose is to shape the gums as they heal.  This allows for much more comfortable and natural appearing final prosthetics, as they can be made to appear as if they are emerging from the gums.

Sutures are removed after 2 weeks, and the gums are allowed to heal for another week before continuing to final impressions by your regular dentist.

Call us today to schedule your free evaluation, at (331) 301-4450.  Please  mention that you are calling regarding the Modern Implant Institute.  You can also fill out our convenient contact form, and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.